Cards (5)

  • What key concepts can explain gender?
    Social learning theory
    Operant conditioning
  • How does operant conditioning explain gender?
    Rewards and punishments - behave in gender typical way - reinforced - more likely to happen again
    Behave in a gender a-typical way - punished - less likely to happen again
    Differential reinforcement - Boys get rewarded for masculine behaviours
    girls rewarded for feminine behaviour
  • How does the social learning theory explain gender?
    Modelling - Girl observes feminine behaviours
    Vicarious reinforcement - girl observes older sister being rewarded for looking after a doll - reinforced for feminine behaviours
    Identification - More likely to imitate behaviours if they identify with the model - mum and daughter
  • What are the strengths?
    Baby X studies - baby is dressed in boys or girls clothes - doesn't matter about gender - mothers rewarded "boys" with toy hammer and "girls" with a sift teddy - differential reinforcement
    Gender changes over time - more a-typical gender influences - James Charles - distinction between men an women is less clear - growth of gender fluidity
  • What are the weaknesses ?
    children are more active in acquiring gender - children tend to grow up more gender a-typical than their parents - not just about observation/ imitation