Cards (3)

  • Ainsworth developed the Strange Situation to assess infant attachment quality. This controlled observation measures attachment security in a laboratory setting with a two-way mirror, analysing behaviours like proximity-seeking, exploration and secure-base behaviour, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, and response to reunion. The procedure comprises seven episodes, each lasting three minutes, where every episode tests a different attachment behaviour.
  • From this study, three attachment types were identified: Securely attached (type B) babies display balanced exploration and proximity-seeking, moderate distress upon separation, and seek comfort upon reunion, constituting 60-75% of British infants.
  • Insecure-avoidant (Type A) infants exhibit little attachment behaviour, minimal reaction to separation, and avoidance of contact upon reunion, representing 20-25% of British infants.
    Insecure-resistant (Type C) infants demonstrate heightened proximity-seeking, high distress upon separation, and resistance to comfort upon reunion, comprising around 3% of British infants.