Cards (4)

  • Point: One strength of the research is that most of the studies were conducted by indigenous psychologists.
    Evidence: Studies by van Uzendoorn and Kroonenberg included research from psychologists within the cultural backgrounds of the participants.
    Explain: This approach reduces potential issues like language misunderstandings or biases such as stereotypes.
    Link: Therefore, this suggests that successful communication between researchers and participants likely improved the validity of the collected data.
  • Point: However, this has not been true of all cross-cultural attachment research.
    Evidence: Morelli and Tronick (1991) were non-natives studying child-rearing in the Efé of Zaire.
    Explain: This could potentially affect data quality due to cultural differences and language barriers.
    Link: Thus, this highlights the potential impact of cross-cultural communication on research outcomes and data interpretation.
  • P: :( of cross-cultural research is the impact of confounding variables on findings.
    E: Studies from diff countries are often not matched for methodology when they're combined in reviews or meta-analyses, leading to confounding by sample characteristics & environmental factors.
    E: Variation in factors like poverty, social class, and environ can distort result can all have an effect of attachment behaviour observed in the Strange Situation
    L: Hence, this => that comparing attachment behaviour across non-matched studies may not provide meaningful insights into cross-cultural attachment patterns.
  • P: :( of cross-cultural research is in trying to impose a test designed for one cultural context to another.
    E: Imposed etic occurs when assuming that ideas or techniques from one cultural context apply universally, like in the interpretation of behaviour in the Strange Situation across different cultures.
    E: means that behaviour like lack of affection on reunion would be considered insecure-avoidant in Britain and US, but would be interpreted as independence in Germany.
    L: shows the importance of considering cultural context when interpreting attachment behaviour using the Sg Situation.