Cards (3)

  • Maternal deprivation, distinct from separation, occurs when a child lacks emotional care, even in the presence of the mother. Extended separations from the primary caregiver, particularly the mother, without suitable emotional substitutes can result in deprivation, causing lasting harm. This is especially important during the first two-and-a-half years (the critical period), with a continued risk up to the age of five.
  • This deprivation can lead to delayed intellectual development, evidenced by lower IQ scores in children who experienced prolonged institutional care, as seen in adoption studies. Emotionally, maternal deprivation contributes to affectionless psychopathy, characterised by a lack of guilt, empathy, and affection.
  • Bowlby's 44 Thieves study (1944) compared a group of teenagers accused of stealing with a control group of non-criminals but emotionally disturbed. 12/14 teenagers described as affectionless psychopaths experienced separations compared to 5/30 for the remaining teenagers. This shows a significant association between affectionless psychopathy and early separations from the mother, demonstrating the detrimental effects of prolonged maternal deprivation on emotional development and behaviour.