Streptococcus agalactiae

Cards (20)

  • What is the common name for Streptococcus agalactiae?
    Group B Strep or GBS
  • What does the glacier symbolize in relation to Streptococcus agalactiae?
    It represents the name "agalactiae"
  • What type of hemolysis does Streptococcus agalactiae exhibit?
    Beta hemolytic
  • What does beta hemolysis look like?
    Clearing zone around the colony
  • What are the characteristics of Streptococcus agalactiae under a microscope?
    • Gram positive
    • Circular (cocci) shaped
    • Forms long chains
  • What does the purple color of the tents represent?
    Gram positive organism
  • What factor does Streptococcus agalactiae produce?
    Camp factor
  • What does a positive CAMP test indicate?
    Enlarged zone of hemolysis with Staph aureus
  • What does the sleeping sack represent in relation to Streptococcus agalactiae?
    Polysaccharide capsule
  • What does the bass guitar symbolize in this context?
    Bacitracin resistance
  • What does it mean if there is no clearing around a bacitracin disc?
    Organism is bacitracin resistant
  • What does the "hit parade" test indicate for Group B Strep?
    Positive for hydrolyzing sodium hit parade
  • What conditions can Streptococcus agalactiae cause in neonates?
    Sepsis, pneumonia, and meningitis
  • When should pregnant women be screened for Group B Strep?
    35 to 37 weeks gestation
  • Why are vaginal and rectal swabs taken from pregnant women?
    To check for colonization of Group B Strep
  • What is the treatment for a colonized pregnant woman during childbirth?
    Penicillin prophylactically
  • What does the penny symbolize in the context of treatment?
  • What does the guitar amp represent?
  • What type of hemolysis does Streptococcus agalactiae demonstrate?
    Beta hemolysis
  • What are the key points about Streptococcus agalactiae?
    • Also known as Group B Strep (GBS)
    • Beta hemolytic
    • Gram positive cocci in chains
    • Produces camp factor
    • Bacitracin resistant
    • Causes sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis in neonates
    • Screen pregnant women at 35-37 weeks
    • Treated with penicillin or ampicillin