We conform to behaviours that will make us part of that group
" if you buy this product you will be like these women"
Norm to buy the product
How does NSI explain consumer behaviour?
Fear of being rejected - so we comply to norms as a fear of being rejected - smoke to fit it
How does social proof explain consumer behaviour?
Follow others for guidance in a situation - ISI
Your group have all brought a product and you don't know if its good but they say it is so you but it too
What is the band waggon effect?
You dosomething because other are - people buy a product others will too - use of socialinfluencers to get people to buy products - make it viral
Create illusions that a product is viral - creates high demand - GET THE LONDON LOOK
What are the strengths?
Support for bandwagon effect - Beyoncé in a RalphLauren advert - people who saw the ad with her in it wore ralphLaurenmore and brought more
Influences behaviour - conformity to norms - 70% of people of people who brought this product say their skin as improved really well - more likely to conform and buy it
What are the weaknesses?
social proof on cultures
Individualist - USA
Collectivist - POLAND
level of agreement to social proof was greater in Poland - group over self