A decision made by the court where punishment for a crime should be in custody (in prison)
What does Recidivismmean?
What are the 4 aims of custodial sentencing?
Unpleasant prison experience is designed to put off person from engaging in offending behaviour
Can work on 2 levels: Can deter society as a whole from crime or work on an individual basis of stopping someone from reoffending
Based on the behaviourist idea of conditioning through vicarious punishment
Offender is taken out of society to prevent them from reoffending and to protect society
Length of confinement also depends on the severity of the crime and the necessity to keep criminal away from the public
Enacting revenge for the offence for the victim by making the offender suffer
It should be proportionate to the crime committed
Prison is not just to punish people but to also help them reform
Offenders should leave prison better adjusted and ready to take their place back in society
Prison should provide opportunities to develop skills and training access treatment programmes
Psychological effects of custodial sentencing
Stress and depression- suicide rates are higher in prison and psychological disorders may form that carry on after release
Institutionalisation- Having adapted to the norms of prison they struggle to get back to their normal life out of prison
Prisonisation- prisoners are socialised to act a certain way that would be unacceptable outside of prison
The problem of recidivism
Recidivism refers to reoffending
It is difficult to get figures on recidivism as it depends on if you are looking at reoffending within a year after release or over a long period of time
In the UK reoffending rates are around 45% compare to 20% in Norway
This is important as in Norway the emphasis on rehabilitation is bigger
AO3Custodial Sentencing: Teaches more crime
Offenders may become better offenders while spending time around more experienced offenders
Younger inmates may learn more from more experienced offenders
This will then decrease chances of helping offenders become rehabilitated and can increase reoffending
AO3 Custodial Sentencing: Psychological Effects
Imprisonment is brutal for many
119 prisoners killed themselves in prison in the UK in 2016 which is an average suicide every 3 days
This figure is 9 times higher than the general population
25% of women and 15% of men reported symptoms of psychosis
prison regimes may not help with retribution
AO3 Custodial Sentencing: Training and Treatment
One aim of imprisonment is rehabilitation
Offenders may become better people and be able to lead a crime free life
Offenders may access education and training to help them find employment after their release
Offenders who take part in education programmes are 43% less likely to reoffend
AO3Custodial Sentencing: Purpose of prison
There is still a debate of which prison is more suited towards: for punishing or rehabilitating
A survey found that 47% see the main purpose of prison being to punish the offender with many seeing prison as too 'soft'
40% hold the view prison should be to rehabilitate and prisons should provide access to training