Restorative Justice

Cards (8)

  • Restorative Justice
    Focuses on rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims
  • Emphasis of restorative justice
    1. Allow offender to see the impact of their crime
    2. Empower survivor by giving them a voice
    3. Less about retribution and more about reparation which is trying to repair the harm caused
  • Features of the programme
    • Trained mediator supervises the meeting
    • Offender voluntarily meets victim
    • Victim is given opportunity to confront offender and explain how it impacted them
    • Active involvement from both parties
  • Sentencing and Restitution
    • May be done to help with an offenders sentence and reducing it
    • Restitution is a monetary payment by an offender to the survivor for the harm resulting in the incident
    • It could also be the offender paying back in an emotional sense by giving the victim their confidence back
  • AO3 Restorative Justice: Needs of the survivor
    • The results of a 7 year research project found that 85% of victims were satisfied and 78% would recommend to others
    • 60% said it made them feel better about the incident giving them closure
    • Restorative justice achieves some of its aims
  • AO3 Restorative Justice: Recidivism
    • It leads to a decrease in the rates of offending
    • Meta-analysis of 10 studies compared face to face restorative justice schemes compared to custodial sentencing
    • The restorative justice group were significantly less likely to reoffend
    • The reduction was larger on burglary crimes for adult offenders
  • AO3 Restorative Justice: Abusing the system
    • Offenders may abuse the system
    • Success of restorative justice may be due to an offender's intentions being honourable and they must genuinely want to change
    • Some offenders may do restorative justice for their own gains and not because they learn their lesson
    • Not all offenders may benefit
  • AO3 Restorative Justice: Domestic Violence
    • In domestic violence cases restorative justice may not be the best option
    • The power imbalance between the victim and offender may put pressure on victim to go along with it when they do not want to
    • However others argue it has positive results especially in intimate partner violence where couples decide to stay together