The spartacist league was a left wing group led by Karl Liebkecht and Rosa Luxembourg, two SPD members who wanted a socialist revolution to bring aid and political stability to Germany
the Spartacist League was a group led by Karl Leibkecht and Rosa Luxemberg. they were communists and on January 6th, 1919, 100,000 of their communists stormed berlin to try and overthrow the government and seize buildings and newspaper offices
Once Berlin is stormed, the government flees to weimar to plan a counterattack but is too weak (few men), so Ebert turns to the Freikorps for help, who storm the city and kill any communists, quickly ending the uprising
Leibkecht and Luxemberg are both shot and killed. a second uprising happened in march and 1000 communists were killed by the freikorps
although the threat was eradicated, it showed how weak the government was as they were forced to rely on rightwing extremists