Sex Linkage

Cards (12)

  • What is a sex linkage??
    the expression of an allele dependent on the gender of the individual as the gene is located on a sex chromosome
  • how many pairs of autosomal chromosomes do humans have
  • autosomal chromosomes
    • not involved in sex determination
  • how many pairs of sex chromosomes do humans have
    • Called either X or Y
  • who has XY
    • have one pf each type of sex chromosome
  • Who has XX
    • have 2 X chromosomes
  • Where are most sex linked traits located
    on the X chromosomes with there being no equivalent locus on the Y chromosome
    • Therefore females will carry two alleles of sex linked gene, but males will only carry a single allele
  • where is the genetic information for biological sex carried?
    on 2 sex chromosomes
  • When is a characteristic said to be sex-linked?
    when the allele that codes for it is located on a sex chromosome
  • Most genes on the sex chromosomes are only carried where?
    on the x chromosome (called X-linked genes)
  • examples of X-Linked disorders
    colour blindness and haemophilia
    • caused by faulty alleles on the x-chromosome
  • why do males often only have one allele for sex-linked genes?
    • Because they have only ONE X chromosome
    • only have one copy = males express the characteristic of this allele even if it is recessive
    • = makes males more likely than females to show recessive phenotypes for genes that are sex-linked