Evolutionary explanations

Cards (5)

  • Anisogamy
    is the difference male/female reproductive gametes.
  • Female gametes
    are eggs/ova - these take a lot of energy to produce, limited supply of eggs and must have high investment in the reproduction compared to the male.
  • Male gametes
    is sperm - these take little energy to produce, abundant supply which is quickly replenished and they invest little into reproductive.
  • Inter-sexual selection:

    -Females are highly selective with who they reproduce/combine genes with who they reproduce/combine genes with.
    -The evolved preferences women look for in a man is strong, tall, muscular for survival of the offspring so they can protect the mother when older. If they can provide resources and have a symmetrical face which indicates good genes.
  • Intra-sexual selection
    -Males must compete with other males for mating access to females.
    -Males have evolved to 'mate guarding' behaviours, protective and prevent 'cuckoldry' which is where males ward off other males who seek sexual activity.
    -Makes evolved preferences are neonate features: big eyes, small nose and full lips. Look younger which indicates fertility. If they have a 0.7 W:H ratio and a symmetrical face.