
Cards (5)

  • Biological reductionist
    - Male-female behaviour in relationships. Partner preference is reduced to the level of biology - gametes. Underestimates cultural differences.
  • Biological determinism
    - Male/female behaviour in relationships are determined by their biology, gametes that are produced.
    - Hard determinism which underestimates free will.
  • Research support - Singh
    -studied winners of Miss America and playboy centrefold.
    - Found the women displayed a 0.7 waist to hip ratio.
    - This supports that males have evolved preferences for traits which indicate fertility.
  • Research support - Wayneforth and Dunbar
    - Carried out a thematic analysis of lovely heart columns. They found differences between male/females.
    - Males: they advertise resources and look for indications of fertility in females.
    - Females: Advertise youthfulness and being slim and look for men who are rich and have resources.
  • Research Support by Clark and Hatfield
    - Aim: investigates gender differences to sexual offers.
    - Methods: male/female approached a member of the public of the opposite sex on a uni campus, propositioned them and recorded the amount who said yes.
    - Results: Men - 75% and female - 0% said yes.
    - Conclusion: Sexual selection supported by females who evolved to be highly selective when choosing a man.
    HOWEVER, low temporal validity - HIV/AIDS outbreak so less people are likely to randomly sleep together.