Cards (2)

  • Genes with multiple alleles
    over time a huge number of changes can occur anywhere within a gene; as a result many genes have more than 2 alleles
    • when 3 or more alleles at a specific gene locus are known, then gene is said to have multiple alleles
    → however any individual can only possess two alleles, one on each gene locus, in a pair of homologous chromosomes
  • Human blood groups
    inheritance of human ABO blood groups demonstrates both dominance + codominance
    • the 4 blood groups (phenotypes) are all determined by 3 alleles of a single gene on chromosome 9
    →the gene encodes an isoagglutinogen, I, on the surface of erythrocytes
    • the alleles present in the human gene pool are IA, IB + IO
    → IA + IB are both dominant to IO, which is recessive
    • IA + IB are codominant; so if they are both present in the genotype, they will both contribute to the phenotype
    → any individual will have only two of the three alleles within their genotype