interactionist approach

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    • diathesis-stress model:
      • result of interaction between bio (diathesis) + environmental (stress) influences
      • both vulnerability + stress are needed to develop disorder
    • diathesis-stress:
      • diathesis = evidence for role of genetics but concordance rates arent 100%
      • stress = stressful life events can trigger condition e,g sexual/physical abuse
    • meehl's model:
      • original diathesis stress model - diathesis entirely genetic, one schizogene, led to development of schizotypic personality
      • if person lacks schizogene no amount of stress can trigger condition
      • in carriers of gene, chronic stress through childhood specifically schizophrenogenic mother can cause development
    • modern understanding:
      • many genes create genetic vulnerability e.g ripke 108
      • modern view = range of factors including psychological trauma can become diathesis
      • read et al - early trauma alters developing brain e.g child abuse - HPA system can be overactive, making it vulnerable to later stress
    • modern understanding of stress:
      • stress can be seen psychological in nature but also includes anything that can trigger disorder (houston et al)
      • cannabis = stressor, increases risk of schizo up to 7x as it interferes with dopamine system, most dont develop just after smoking so must also be other factors
    • treatment:
      • combining antipsychotics + cbt, unusual to treat with cbt alone
      • britain = standard practice to treat with combination, US = conflict between biological + psychological models led to slower adaptation of interactionist approach
    • EVALUATION: original diathesis stress model is oversimplified
      • multiple genes cause vulnerability no single schizogene, stress comes in different forms not solely family dysfunction
      • vulnerability can be result of early trauma not genes, houston et al - sexual trauma vulnerability, weed trigger
      • theory is reductionist, issue rectified in newer models
    • EVALUATION: support for effectiveness of combination treatments
      • tarrier et al -randomly allocated 315 patients to med + cbt, med + supportive counselling + control group (meds only)
      • 2 combo groups showed lower symptom levels + no difference in rates of hospital readmission
      • clear practical advantage to adopting interactionist approach
    • EVALUATION: dont know how diathesis stress works
      • strong evidence to suggest underlying vulnerability coupled with stress can cause schizophrenia - unclear how it results in disorder
      • mechanisms by which symptoms appear + how stress + vulnerability produce them is not understood
      • diathesis stress is too vague + cant provide a complete account of approach
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