Viscount Lovell was a councilor and close ally of Richard III and fled to colchester with sir Thomas and Humphrey Stafford after Bosworth.
in April 1486, they left Colchester to raise a rebellion. Lovell raised support in Yorkshire, whilst the Staffords did so in Worcestershire
however, support for the rebellion collapsed after H7 sent Jasper Tudor to pardon all rebels EXCEPT Lovell. support for the staffords was drained after rumours were spread that the King was heading south
the rebellion failed as there was no overseas backing, no Yorkist pretender to rally around, and they were not backed by great wealth as Lovell and the Staffords were minor nobles
Lovell escaped and rallied to support the Lambert Simnel uprising. the staffords were tried, with Humphrey being executed and Thomas being imprisoned
this showed henrys position was precarious as people were willing to support a yorkistrebellion. however, henry showed his power by quickly eradicating the threat through efficient intelligence operations that quickly tracked fleeing rebels (no time to become a threat)