Conservation of biodiversity

Cards (34)

  • What does the term biodiversity refer to?
    Variety of life and differences among organisms
  • What are the different levels of biodiversity?
    • Ecosystem diversity: different environments and organisms
    • Species diversity: variety of species in an ecosystem
    • Genetic diversity: variations within a species
  • How does species diversity differ from genetic diversity?
    Species diversity refers to different species present
  • What is the estimated number of species on Earth?
    Between 2 and 10 million species
  • Why is estimating the number of species difficult?
    Many species may not be identified yet
  • What is a challenge in estimating extinct species?
    Fossil records provide limited information
  • What cycles have occurred throughout Earth's history regarding biodiversity?
    • Cycles of increasing biodiversity
    • Cycles of mass extinctions
  • What distinguishes the current mass extinction from previous ones?
    It is caused by human activities
  • What does the term anthropogenic mean?
    Caused by humans
  • What are some human activities contributing to biodiversity loss?
    • Overharvesting and poaching
    • Habitat loss
    • Invasive species introduction
    • Pollution
    • Global climate change
  • How is an ecosystem defined?
    Biotic and abiotic factors in an area
  • What are biotic factors in an ecosystem?
    Living organisms like plants and animals
  • What are abiotic factors in an ecosystem?
    Non-living elements like water and sunlight
  • What causes ecosystem loss?
    • Dams and mining
    • Land exploitation for resources
    • Diversion of water for irrigation
  • Why is the current biodiversity crisis unprecedented?
    It involves an unprecedented loss of ecosystems
  • What evidence supports the biodiversity crisis?
    • Habitat degradation
    • Species diversity loss
    • Population range reductions
    • Genetic diversity loss
  • What is the Simpsons diversity index used for?
    Measuring biodiversity loss
  • How is the Simpsons diversity index calculated?
    Using total organisms and species counts
  • What does a high diversity index indicate?
    Lots of different species and evenness
  • What does a low diversity index indicate?
    Low species variety and dominance
  • How do you calculate the diversity index for Place A?
    Use total organisms and species counts
  • What is the diversity index for Place A?
  • What is the diversity index for Place B?
    Approximately 2.4
  • Why does Place A have a higher diversity index than Place B?
    Place A has better species evenness
  • What are the root causes of the current biodiversity crisis?
    • Overpopulation
    • Habitat destruction
    • Resource exploitation
  • What is the goal of conservation efforts?
    To prevent massive biodiversity loss
  • What are the two types of conservation strategies?
    • In situ: conservation in natural environments
    • Ex situ: conservation outside natural environments
  • What does in situ conservation involve?
    Protecting natural environments and species
  • What does ex situ conservation involve?
    Removing species to controlled environments
  • What is the Edge of Existence program?
    • Focuses on evolutionarily distinct species
    • Targets globally endangered species
  • What criteria determine prioritized species for conservation?
    Uniqueness and high extinction likelihood
  • What does "evolutionarily distinct" mean?
    Species without closely related relatives
  • What does "globally endangered" mean?
    High likelihood of extinction everywhere
  • What is the focus of conservation efforts according to the Edge of Existence program?
    • Prioritize unique and endangered species
    • Ensure conservation resources are effectively allocated