Drawing attention to those who fail to pay Vehicle Excise Duty:
BIT implemented a trial that included adding pictures of the offending vehicle in the letter send to non-payers of Vehicle Excise Duty that lead to an increase of the payment rates from 40% to 49%.
The Nudge Unit:
The Behavioural Insights Team (Nudge Unit) is an organisation set up to apply behavioural economics to try and improve government policy and to save the UK government money.
The Framing Effect - People's decisions differ depending on whether a choice is presented as a gain or a loss.
How can availability heuristic be used to improve the economy?
A company makes a logo/slogan and shows it to you over and over again until the company comes to your mind easily.
You may not have a particular preference for the brand but the marketing people count on your familiarity with the name alone to sell the product.
It is believed psychology can contribute to the public good and a better economy.
Economy = The economy concerns the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.
Research has led to a new area of research called behavioural economics which has an effect on the way people think about thinking.
Main idea to Kahneman's Research:
We are all rational thinkers
Due to this the way we think can be manipulated for the better good of the economy.
Availability Heuristic = A type of cognitive bias that allows us to make quick, sometimes inaccurate judgements. It relies on information that comes to mind or is available to you.
Availability Heuristic = Predicting the likelihood of an even based on information you have available to you.