retrieval failure

Cards (10)

  • what are the 3 principles of the theory of retrieval failure?
    1. encoding specificity principle
    2. context-dependent forgetting
    3. state-dependent forgetting
  • who suggested the encoding specificity principle?
  • outline the assumptions of the encoding specificity principle
    when memories are created, associated cues are stored at the same time
    • if these cues are not present, forgetting will take place
  • define context-dependent forgetting
    external environment differs between learning and recall
  • who investigated context-dependent forgetting?
    Godden and Baddeley
  • explain Godden and Baddeley's study of context-dependent forgetting
    deep-sea diver
    • divers learnt a list of words underwater (or on land) and then recall underwater (or on land)
    • when the conditions matched, 40% higher recall rate
  • define state-dependent forgetting
    internal state of the person differs between learning and recall
  • who studied state-dependent forgetting?
    Carter and Cassaday
  • outline Carter and Cassaday's study of state-dependent forgetting
    anti-histamine study
    • learn passages of words whilst on anti-histamines (or not on them) and recall on anti-histamines (or not on them)
    • drugs induced drowsiness
    • matching conditions, resulted in higher recall rate
  • evaluate the theory of retrieval failure
    • research studies, e.g. Carter & Cassady and Godden & Baddeley, demonstrate and support cue-dependent forgetting

    • context and state effects are weak as need to be very different, not generalisable to conditions in everyday life

    • replication of Godden & Baddeley, no context effects, only applicable to certain types of memory tests