Messiah and Messianic Age

Cards (6)

  • "I believe with complete faith in the coming of the Messiah….I shall wait for his arrival each
    day.” Yigdal
  • Maimonides 13 principles: Belief that the Messiah will come.
  • Isaiah 11:11-12; 14:1 Jews who are scattered throughout the world will be brought together. - Messianic age
  • Ezekiel 37:26-28 A ‘golden age’ of peace and God’s rule. (Messianic age)
  • Orthodox Jews believe the Messiah will be a human being that will be the leader of the
    Jewish people who will bring changes to the world. He will make Israel united and will make
    God’s law the law of the land. He will rebuild the Temple that was destroyed, and it will be
    the dwelling place of God (the Shekhinah).
  • Reform Jews focus on a Messianic age not a person. At this time there will be peace all over
    the world. God’s presence will be felt by everyone and his law will be followed by all. Reform
    Jews believe that good actions will bring about the Messianic age.