dominion vs stewardship

Cards (26)

  • dominion
    unrestricted power of animals and the environment
    humans are described as having been made 'little less than god' and have dominion over what god has made (psalm 8)
  • psalm 8
    thou has made him little less than god ... thou hast given him dominion over the works of thy hand
  • imago dei
    in the image of god
    genesis - let us make man in our image, after our likeness ... have dominion over the fish and the birds and every living thing
  • genesis 9:1-3
    'i now give you everything
  • anthropocentrism
    there is no intrinsic value for animal or environmental life. humans are the pinnacle of creation
    the bible arguably encourages us to be uncaring and arrogant about non-humans
  • What philosophical view is associated with Aquinas regarding the treatment of animals?
  • How does Aquinas' philosophy view the mistreatment of animals?
    As a kind of property damage
  • What does Genesis 9:2-3 say about the relationship between humans and animals?
    It states that 'the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth'
  • What is the concept of stewardship in relation to God's creation?
    • Caretakers of God's creation
    • Humans have the responsibility to look after the environment as God would
    • Reflected in passages where God treats non-humans well
  • What does Psalm 96:11-12 express about creation?
    It calls for the heavens, earth, sea, fields, and trees to rejoice and sing for joy
  • How does the principle of plenitude relate to stewardship?
    • A universe with many species is better
    • Variety shows God's power and beauty of creation
    • Humans are one of many entities, both organic and inorganic
  • What does Nehemiah 9:6 affirm about God?
    That God alone made heaven and earth and preserves all of creation
  • What is stated in 1 Chronicles 29:11 about God's dominion?
    All greatness, power, glory, victory, and majesty belong to God
  • What does 1 Corinthians 10:26 declare about the earth?
    The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it
  • What does Psalm 65:9-13 describe about God's care for the land?
    It describes how God cares for and enriches the land abundantly
  • What does Deuteronomy 20:19 instruct regarding trees?
    Not to destroy trees by wielding an axe against them
  • What question does Jeremiah 12:4 raise about the land?
    It questions how long the land will mourn and the grass will wither due to human actions
  • What is global warming?
    • An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere
    • Especially a sustained increase causing climatic changes
  • What is water pollution?
    • Contamination of streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, or groundwater
    • Caused by substances produced through human activities
  • What is soil pollution?
    • Pollutants added to soil by agricultural runoffs
    • Caused by unclean technology and waste disposal
  • What is radioactive pollution?
    • Pollution caused by radioactive waste and nuclear accidents
  • What is human population pollution?
    • Excess population intensifies most other types of pollution
  • How does Lynn White Jr. relate environmental issues to tradition?
    He argues that environmental issues are shaped by the Judeo-Christian tradition
  • What is Sallie McFague's perspective on environmental issues?
    She argues that they are caused by patriarchal Christianity, which encourages the subjection of nature
  • What significant document did Pope Francis issue in 2015?
    Laudato Si
  • What does Pope Francis emphasize in Laudato Si regarding dominion over creatures?
    He states that being created in God's image does not justify absolute domination over other creatures