Cards (8)

  • What does Chomsky argue?
    We have a language acquisition device (LAD) which is the hard wiring of the human brain, language is innate and inbuilt
  • what is a virtuous error?
    an error but there is a good reason for it
  • you don’t need to be taught to speak, language is innovative, vast and varied. you can never be taught everything
  • what is poverty of stimulus?
    children have not heard every word that exists, if they copied to speak then they wouldn’t be able to say what they can
  • biological structures support
    Brocas and Wernickes area in the brain. Broca’s area is responsible for speech production, Wernicke’s involved in speech comprehension
  • support for Chomsky
    languages around the world are structured in similar ways
    all children go through same language development stages
  • examples of Chomsky
    calling pyjamas, pyjam as a singular
  • What is universal grammar?
    Everyone learns grammar without consciously learning it, each language has their own grammar rules