Cards (11)

  • What is CDS?
    The way an adult uses language differently when talking to a child
  • Exaggerating prosodic cues
    using more exaggerated intonation patterns and slightly higher frequencies, greater pitch variations, slower, clearer pronunciation and more pauses
  • recasting
    phrasing sentences in different ways such as making it a question
  • echoing
    repeating what the child said
  • expansion
    restating what the child said in a more linguistically sophisticated form
  • expatiation
    expounding further on the word by giving more information
  • labelling
    providing the name of objects, using simplified vocabulary
  • overarticulating
    using more precise sounds contained in the words, stretching out sounds and sounding out super vowels
  • lexis
    frequent use of the child’s name, use of diminutive forms
  • grammatical features
    repeated sentence frames, shorter sentences, one word utterances, frequent imperatives, questions and tag questions
  • pragmatics
    lot of gestures, body language