Cards (13)

  • What is globalisation?
    the increasing connectedness between societies across the globe, with more flows of information, ideas, money and people moving across national boundaries
  • what is immigration?
    people moving to a country
  • what is emigration?
    people moving out of a country
  • what is net migration?
    immigration minus emigration
  • what is the brain drain?
    the emigration of educated people from developing countries
  • what is the transnational capitalist class (TCC)?
    created by globalisation, new global power or ruling class
    made up of owners of global corporations, politicians on world stage, business people trading on global markets
  • the number of billionaires has increased 10 times since the 1980s
  • 7/10 people live in a country which is more unequal than it was 30 years ago. Eg worlds fastest growing economies in China, India And Nigeria, richest 10% income has risen whereas poorest 40% has fallen
  • what is offshoring?
    the practice of basing some of a company’s processes or services overseas to take advantage of lower costs, can involve evasion of laws, taxes and regulations.
  • how many global corporations have offshore accounts?
  • 1/10 children in London have uncertain immigration status, they cannot legally work, open a bank account, use the NHS, apply for student finance
  • people who are ‘stateless’ or ‘undocumented’ are difficult to place in the class structure
  • there are an estimated 500,000-800,000 undocumented workers in the UK, they can be exploited by employers and people traffickers