What is thought to be the main cause of OCD in a neural explanation?
Abnormalities in the frontallobe
Frontal lobe = logical thinking + decision-making
What is the worry circuit?
Abnormalities in OFC (orbitofrontalcortext) + caudatenucleus (part of basal ganglia) = these parts of brain fail to suppressworrysignals
OFC = stops initial unnecessary worry signals
Caudate nucleus stops unnecessary worry signals that got past OFC
= more worry signals sent to thalamus than needed = increased worry signals sent back to OFC = worrycircuit
Worry circuit = feedbackloop of escalatinganxiety -> provokes desire to perform actions to address anxiety
What do the provoked actions resulting from the worry circuit explain in OCD?
What could be causing the failure to suppress worry signals by the OCF + caudate nucleus?
An imbalance in NTs resulting from variations in genes (e.g. COMT + SERT)
OCD usually means less serotonin than no OCD = neurons fire more frequently = more worrysignals passed on than should be
OCD usually means more dopamine too = more nerveimpulses (signalling need for action) fire = increased compulsion to perform repetitive tasks
What do genetic explanations for OCD say to explain it?
There is an innatepredisposition towards OCD inherited from parents through genes
This innate predisposition is polygenic -> (up to) 230-gene combination (Taylor 2013)
What are the 2 main examples of gene variations that increase chances of developing OCD?
COMT gene variation
Low activity
SERT gene variation
High activity
What is the SERT gene?
Involved in production of protein that helps transport serotonin from synaptic gap back into presynapticneuron
What is the SERT gene variant?
High activity variant of SERT gene (5-HTI-D) = found more commonly in people withOCD than those without OCD
Variant produces more of the protein that aids the reuptake of serotonin = less serotonin in synapse overall
People with this gene have less serotonin available in synapses during synaptictransmission
This contributes to failure of OFC + caudatenucleus to suppress worrysignals
What is the COMT gene?
Helps regulate production of dopamine through production of COMTenzyme (catechol-0-methyltransferase)
What is the COMT gene variant?
Low activity COMT gene -> found more frequently in people with OCD than those without OCD
Produces less COMT enzyme = less effective at regulatingdopamine (ineffective at ensuring onlyenough is produced)
= higher levels of dopamine -> dopamine = excitatory NT = neurons fire more often in basal ganglia = overactivity
= more nerveimpulses signalling need for action -> linked to compulsions
Neural explanations for OCD A&E point: research support that atypicalbrain function is present in those with OCD
Ursu + Carter (2009) -> used fMRI to find evidence of hyperactivity in OFC of 15 people with OCD (smallsamplesize tho)
Further supported by Saxena + Rauch (2000) -> meta-analysis using PET, fMRI + MRI scans to find consistentevidence of association between OFC + OCD symptoms
Neural explanations cannot be dismissed!! -> clear correlations between abnormalbrain activity + obsessions/compulsions seen in people with OCD
Genetic explanations for OCD A&E point 1: research support for genetic element to developing OCD
Nedstadt et al. (2000) -> 1stdegreerelatives of people with OCD had an 11.7% chance of developing OCD, but people with no 1st degree relatives with OCD had a 2.7% chance of developing it
1st degree relatives share 50% of your genes -> 9% increase in chances of developing OCD if you have a 1st degree relative with OCD strongly suggests OCD is heritable
Genetic explanations for OCD A&E point 2: further research support for genetic element to developing OCD
Twin studies -> Nedstadt et al. (2010) meta-analysis of twin studies = 68% concordance rate in MZ twins but only 31% in DZ twins
Increasedconcordance rates in MZ twins = both of them will have samegenevariation linked to OCD
If environmental factors were causing OCD, concordance rates between MZ + DZ twins would be much more similar
Genetic explanations for OCD A&E point 3: the biological approach to explaining OCD is insufficient
Nedstadt et al.'s (2010) meta-analysis of twin studies -> environmental factors contributing to the development of OCD
If OCD = solely genetic, there would be 100%concordance rates between MZ twins -> if all DNA is shared, they would both have OCD
There must be environmentalfactors that trigger OCD's development that either both or only one twin would experience -> need for an environmental trigger to initiate onset of OCD explains concordance rates being high but not 100%