Cards (14)

    • when was the schema study of allport and postman?

    • what was the aim of the schema study?

      to see how can schemas distort memory
    • what was the schema study procedure?

      participants were shown a drawing of a quarrel on a subway train and were asked to describe it to another participant and so on (serial reproduction)
    • what did the drawing in the schema study show?

      a well dressed black character arguing with a rough looking white character
    • what were the results of the schema study?

      the description of appearances reversed to the point where the black character was described as holding a knife
    • what do the results of the schema study show?

      information is altered through accommodation to correspond to/fit within their schemas
    • what did tulving et al (and others) research?

      used PET scans on individuals while they recalled information using different types of long term memory
    • when was tulving’s long term memory research carried out? 

    • what did mcguire et al research?

      how london taxi drivers brains change
    • what happened to the london taxi drivers hippocamuses?

      they grew in size to fit a spacial map of central london in
    • how did the london taxi drivers brains change with navigation experience?
      the longer they were a taxi driver, the larger their hippocampuses were
    • how did the taxi drivers brains grow?
      due to the plasticity of the brain - can refashion basic anatomy
    • who were the participants of mcguires research?
      16 male london taxi drivers and 50 healthy right-handed males who weren’t taxi drivers (control group)
    • what skills did the london taxi drivers have to carry out mentally?
      intricate mental maths, knowledge of london streets which took 2 years to retain