Cards (11)

    • when was banduras experiment?

    • what was the aim of banduras bobo doll experiment?

      to investigate whether children will observe and imitate aggressive behaviour
    • who were the participants?
      36 boys and 36 girls aged 3-6 years from stanford university nursery school
    • what was stage 2 of the bobo doll experiment?
      aggression arousal: children were taken to a room with toys but were told they were reserved for other children
    • what was stage 3 of the bobo doll experiment?
      test: children were taken to a room with the bobo doll and aggressive and non-aggressive toys and were observed at 5 sec intervals for 20 mins
    • which children were the most aggressive in the bobo doll experiment?

      children who watched the aggressive model
    • what were the results of girls of the bobo doll experiment?

      showed more physical aggression if model was male but more verbal if they were female
    • what were the results of boys in the bobo doll experiment?

      more likely to imitate same sex models than girls - most aggressive when exposed to males
    • what was the first aggressive model/condition?
      hit, shout and be aggressive towards doll
    • what is the second condition/model?
      the adult ignores the doll and plays quietly with other toys
    • what is the third condition/model?
      no video shown