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  • What is stage one of humoral immunity?
    The surface antigens of an invading pathogen are taken up by a B-cell.
  • What is stage two of humoral immunity?
    The B cell processes the antigens and presents them on it's surface.
  • What is stage three of humoral immunity?
    Helper T-cells attach to the processed antigens on the B cell thereby activating the B-cell.
  • What is stage four of humoral immunity?
    The B cell is noe activated to divide by mitosis to give a clone of plasma cells.
  • What is stage five of humoral immunity?
    The cloned plasma cells produce and secrete the specific antibodies that exactly fit the antigen on the pathogen and destroy them.
  • What is stage six of humoral immunity?
    The antibody attaches to antigens on the pathogen and destroys them.
  • What is stage seven of humoral immunity?
    Some B cells develop into memory cells. These can respond to fure infections by the same pathogen by dividing rapidly developing into plasma cells that produce antibodies.
  • Where are B-cells concentrate?
    Lymph nodes and spleen
  • Once mature how many kind of antibodies can each type of B-cell make?

  • Before activated where are antibodies located in B-cells?
    In the cell surface membrane
  • What does part of each antibody form so they can combine specifically with one type of antigen?
    A glycoprotein receptor
  • What is clonal selection?
    The process by which when an antigen enters the body, B-lymphocyte cells with the correct cell surface receptors will be able to recognise it and bind to it.
  • What is clonal expansion?
    When specific B-lymphocytes divide by mitosis and differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells.