
Cards (15)

  • What causes retrieval failure?
    Lack of cues
  • What happens at the same time when information is initially placed in memory?
    Associated cues are stored
  • What happens if the cues aren't available at the time of recall?
    Might not be able to access memories that are actually there
  • What did Tulving (83) suggest?
    That cues help retrieval if the same cues are present at encoding and at retrieval
    The closer the retrieval cue to the OG cue the better the cue works
  • What did Tulving call this?
    Encoding Specificity Principle (ESP)
  • What are some cues linked to?
    The material-to-be-remembered in a meaningful way e.g. the cue STM may lead you to recall all sorts of information about short-term memory
  • What is context-dependent forgetting?
    When memory retrieval is dependent on an external/environmental cue
  • What is state-dependent forgetting?
    When memory retrieval is dependent on an internal cue, state of mind
  • Who conducted a study on context-dependent forgetting?
    Godden and Baddeley (75)
  • What were the cues?
    The contexts where learning and recall took place - on land or underwater
  • What were deep sea divers asked to do?
    Learn word lists and then recall them
  • What were the 4 possible groups?
    1. Learn on land - recall on land
    2. Learn on land - recall underwater
    3. Lean underwater - recall on land
    4. Learn underwater - recall underwater
  • What happened when the environmental contexts of learning and recall didn't match?
    Accurate recall was 40% lower that when they did match e.g. conditions 1 and 4
  • What led to retrieval failure to the lack of cues?
    When the external cues available at learning were different from the ones at recall
  • How does this study demonstrate context-dependent forgetting?
    Because information wasn't accessible when context at recall didn't match context at learning