L: Demand characteristics may affect lab studies of anxiety?
Most Ps in controlled lab studies are aware they're watching a filmed and staged crime for a reason to do with a study
They may work out that they will be asked questions about what they've seen, they may give responses which they believe to be helpful to the researcher
The research isn't measuring the accuracy of EWT and this reduces the validity of the research investigating the effects of anxiety
L: The inverted-U explanation is too simplistic?
Anxiety is difficult to define and measure because it has too many elements - cognitive, behavioural, emotional and physical
The inverted-U explanation assumes that one of these is linked to poor performance - physiological arousal
The explanation fails to account for other factors for example, the effect of the emotional experience of witnessing a crime e.g. terror, on the accuracy of memory
L: ethical issues in this area?
Creating anxiety in Ps is potentially unethical because it may subject people to psychological harm purely for research purposes
So real-life studies are beneficial, psychologists interview people who have already witnessed an event so there's no need to create it
Ethical issues don't challenge the findings of studies e.g. Johnson and Scott - but they do raise questions about conducting such research
L: field studies lack control of variables?
Real-life witnesses are interviewed sometime after the event, many things happen to them in the meantime that researchers can't control
Examples: eyewitnesses discuss the event with others, they read or view accounts in the media, the police interview may influence their memory - post-event discussion
These extraneous variables may be responsible for the (in)accuracy of recall, not anxiety, it's difficult to isolate the variables
L: Johnson and Scott's study may test surprise not anxiety?
Ps may focus on a weapon because they're surprised at what they see rather than because they're scared
Pickel (98) used scissors, handgun, wallet and raw chicken as hand-held items in a hairdressing salon, EWTaccuracy was poorer for high unusualness - chicken and handgun
Weapon focus effect is due to unusualness rather than anxiety/threat and therefore tells us, nothing specifically about the effects of anxiety on EWT