Leading Questions

Cards (10)

  • What does the wording of a question not have?
    An enduring effect on an eyewitness's memory of an event
  • What does the wording of a question influence?
    The kind of answer given
  • How does the wording of a question affect eyewitness memory?
    It interferes with its original memory, distorting its accuracy
  • Who conducted the study on leading questions?
    Loftus and Palmer (74)
  • What did they have Ps do?
    45 Ps watched film clips of car accidents and then answered questions about the speed
  • What was the critical question?
    'About how fast were the cars going when they hit each other?'
  • What were the 5 groups of Ps, each given?
    A different verb in the critical question: hit, contacted, bumped, collided or smashed
  • What did the verb 'contacted' produce a mean estimated speed of?
    31.8 mph
  • What was the mean for the verb 'smashed'?
    40.5 mph
  • What did the verb 'smashed' suggest?
    A faster speed of the car that 'contacted'