What is the simple definition of Statistical Infrequency? (SI)
What normally happens (or happens to the majority of people) and anything that occurs rarely is abnormal
What is a more complex definition of Statistical Infrequency? (SI)
A persons traits, thinking or behaviour is classified as abnormal if it is rare or statically unusual.
What's an example of SI?
Schizophrenia is rare and affects about 1% of global population. Any persons measurement that falls outside a defined field (typically 2 standard deviations away from the mean) can therefore be classes as abnormal
What's the example of SI that must be included?
An IQ of 135 is abnormal according to this definition because it is statistically rare. The average (mean) score (for IQ it is 100) is in the middle. This fact is consistent for all traits that have normal distribution. Each 'point' to the right or left of the mean rpresents one standard deviation. The percentages show how many people in the general population deviate away from the mean score.
What's the simple definition of Deviation from Social Norms? (DFSN)
Behaviour is abnormal if it goes against what most people in society would consider acceptable.
What's the complex definition of Deviation from Social Norms? (DFSN)
Refers to abnormality as socially deviant behaviour. This means some behaviour is seen as abnormal because it is viewed by society as undesirable and anti-social, not necessarily rare e.g. catatonic behaviour where an individual may appear unmoving or unresponsive would be considered to be socially abnormal.
What does Cumulative mean?
The more social norms people break, the more likely they are to be seen as abnormal.
What is the simple definition of Deviation from Ideal Mental Health? (DFIMH)
Behaviour is abnormal if it lacks the signs of what people consider to be ideal mental health.
What is the complex definition of Deviation from Ideal Mental Health? (DFIMH)
Behaviour is abnormal if a person deviates too far from the expected state of ideal mental health.
Who identified 6 aspects of IMH?
Jahoda (1958)
What are the 6 main characteristics (aspects) of Ideal Mental Health?
Positive attitude towards self
Accurate perception of reality
Resisting stress (integration)
Environmental mastery
What is Positive attitude towards self?
Experiencing personal growth and development. Achieving potential and becoming everything one is capable of becoming.
What is Accurate perception of reality?
Perceiving the world without distortion. Having an objective and realistic view of the world.
What is Autonomy?
Being independent, self-reliant and able to make personal decisions.
What is Resisting stress? (integration)
Resisting and coping with stress by combing psychological wellbeing with personal growth.
What is Self-actualisation?
Having self-respect and a positive self attitude, e.g. good self esteem.
What is Environmental mastery?
Being competent in all aspects of life and able to meet the demands of any situation. Being flexible.
What is the simple definition of Failure to Function Adequately? (FFA)
An individual who has poor personal hygiene could be considered abnormal because they are failing to function properly. Likewise, if they regularly do not turn up to work, they could be seen as abnormal.
What is the complex definition of Failure to Function Adequately? (FFA)
Behaviour is abnormal if it prevents a person from leading their everyday life. For example, if a person is unable to leave their house or hold down a job they can be considered to be failing to function adequately.
Who proposed 7 major features that appear in abnormal behaviour?
Rosenhan and Seligman (1989)
What are the 7 features of personal dysfunction?
Personal distress (suffering)
Maladaptive behaviour
Observer discomfort
Violation of moral qualities
Unconventionality (vividness)
What is Personal distress? (suffering)
Individual may suffer as a result of their condition (e.g. depression) or may inflict suffering on others.
What is Maladaptive behaviour?
Behaviour prevent the person reaching desired goals e.g. unable to work or have relationships.
What is Unpredictablitiy?
Behaviour is unexpected or unpredictable.
What is Irrationality?
Behaviour seems to defy logical sense.
What is Observer discomfort?
Behaviour makes the around feel uncomfortable e.g. swearing.
What is Violation of moral qualities?
Not behaving in accordance with society's norms e.g. public nudity.
What is Unconventionality? (vividness)
Others find the behaviour odd, e.g. having tattoos all over your body.