
Cards (19)

  • What is a Phobia?
    Intense, overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object place, situation, feeling or animal. They are more prominent than fears and may lead to an individual organising their life around their phobia.
  • What percentage of the population experience a phobia?
    15-20% - its a very common anxiety disorder (irrational).
  • How do you get diagnosed with a Phobia?
    The disorder must interfere with day-to-day functioning and last longer than 6 months.
  • What are the 3 main types of Phobias?
    1. Specific Phobias
    2. Social Phobias
    3. Agoraphobia
  • What are the emotional characteristics of Phobias?
    Persistent, excessive and unreasonable fear.
    • High levels of anxiety when anticipating the object.
    • Fear when presented with the object.
  • What are the behavioural characteristics of Phobias?
    • Panic attacks, crying, screaming
    • Avoiding the phobic stimulus
    • Disrupted everyday functioning
  • What are the cognitive characteristics of Phobias?
    Conscious awareness of exaggerated anxiety.
    • Paying selective attention to the phobic stimulus
    • Irrational beliefs or cognitive distortions
  • What is Depression?

    A mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depression OR clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and leave and can lead to a variety of emotional and psychical problems.
  • What percentage of the population suffer from Depression?
    5% of adults.and is a leading cause of disability worldwide.
  • How do you get diagnosed with Depression?
    The disorder must be interfering with day-to-day functioning.
  • What are the emotional characteristics of Depression?
    • Persistent low mood - pronounced feelings of sadness
    • Anger - directed at self or others
    • Lowered self-esteem - feelings of worthlessness and emptiness
  • What are the behavioural characteristics of Depression?
    Lack of interest in normal every day activities or social withdrawal
    • Insomnia, excessive desire to sleep
    • Aggression towards others or self harm
  • What are the cognitive characteristics of Depression?
    • Poor concentration - difficulties attending to a task and / or problem making decisions
    • Cognitive biases - focus on negative aspects of a situation
    • Suicidal thoughts
  • What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? (OCD)
    An anxiety disorder. The condition has 2 main parts: Obsessions (thoughts) and Compulsions (behaviours).
  • What percentage of the population have OCD?
    Not as common as phobias or depressions, approximately 1.2% of the population have OCD.
  • How do you get diagnosed with OCD?
    The disorder must be interfering with day-to-day functioning.
  • What are the emotional characteristics of OCD?
    • Anxiety and distress - may accompany both obsessions and compulsions
    • Low mood and depression
    • Feelings of guilt and disgust
  • What are the behavioural characteristics of OCD?
    • Compulsions - repetitive behaviours (hand washing, counting, ordering)
    • Avoidance - situations that trigger anxiety e.g. individual with a germ obsession avoids emptying bins
  • What are the cognitive characteristics of OCD?
    • Obsessive thoughts - they recur over and over again (worries about being contaminated by dirt)
    • Cognitive coping strategies
    • Insight into excessive anxiety i.e. understanding hat their obsessions and compulsions are irrational