Cards (7)

  • Membership:
    In the 1920s, the number of members of the KKK rose quickly.
    Simmons recruited 2 public relations experts to help him
    • Edward Clarke
    • Elizabeth Tyler
    The two of them came up with ways to attract new members.
  • Membership (2):
    • Keagles could keep $4 from the $10 entrance fee (encourage the recruition of new members as they would get something out of it)
    • By 1923, the Klan had 5 million members across 4,000 chapters.
    Mainly people from urban middle class (small businessmen, professionals)
    • Wanted to force their moral values onto others.
  • Leadership:
    • William Simmons restarted the organisation - boosted its membership.
    Core values were extended:
    1. WASPS were superior race
    2. immigration should stop
    3. WASPS should have strong Christian values
  • Leadership (2):
    • Targeted adulterers and bootleggers
    (Bootleggers is the name referring to someone who sells illegal goods)
    • Modern organisation structure (divided into chapters):
    Klansman represents Kleagle (local leader)
    • With this structure, Simmons could spread the Klan across the whole of the USA
  • Core values:
    • The white Anglo-Saxon protestants were seen as being superior - but they needed to 'fight to survive' in modern society.
    • Immigration should stop, as it brought foreigners to the USA who threatened WASPS power.
    • WASPS should have strong Christian values.
  • Methods:
    • The Klan had considerable political power.
    It had senators from Texas & Indiana, the govern of Alabama and the mayor of Portland in Oregon.
    • Had influence over the legal system
    (Some judges and police officers were members, or were sympathetic to the Klan - made it difficult for victims of the KKK to get justice before the law)
  • Power:
    Klan's power declined after 1925
    • influential grand dragon (state leader) David Stephenson, found guilty of rape + murder of a 28-year old woman - damaged reputation of Klan.
    • By 1929: Only 200,000 members were left