In the 1920s, the number of members of the KKK rose quickly.
Simmons recruited 2 public relations experts to help him
Edward Clarke
Elizabeth Tyler
The two of them came up with ways to attract new members.
Membership (2):
Keagles could keep $4 from the $10 entrance fee (encourage the recruition of new members as they would get something out of it)
By 1923, the Klan had 5 million members across 4,000 chapters.
Mainly people from urban middle class (small businessmen, professionals)
Wanted to force their moral values onto others.
William Simmons restarted the organisation - boosted its membership.
Core values were extended:
WASPS were superior race
immigration should stop
WASPS should have strong Christian values
Leadership (2):
Targeted adulterers and bootleggers
(Bootleggers is the name referring to someone who sells illegal goods)
Modern organisation structure (divided into chapters):
Klansman represents Kleagle (local leader)
With this structure, Simmons could spread the Klan across the whole of the USA
Core values:
The white Anglo-Saxon protestants were seen as being superior - but they needed to 'fight to survive' in modern society.
Immigration should stop, as it brought foreigners to the USA who threatened WASPS power.
WASPS should have strong Christian values.
The Klan had considerable political power.
It had senators from Texas & Indiana, the govern of Alabama and the mayor of Portland in Oregon.
Had influence over the legal system
(Some judges and police officers were members, or were sympathetic to the Klan - made it difficult for victims of the KKK to get justice before the law)
Klan's power declined after 1925
influential grand dragon (state leader) David Stephenson, found guilty of rape + murder of a 28-year old woman - damaged reputation of Klan.