Role of auxins in plant responses

Cards (10)

  • what are meristems?
    tissue found in regions of growth in plants, which contain stem cells
  • what are apical meristems?
    the main growing shoot at the top of plant
  • what is the lateral bud meristems?
    dormant buds that can grow to form side shoots
  • what is the most common form of auxin?
    • indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)
    • produced in apical meristem
    • causes cell elongation - diffuses or actively transported down shoot to zone of elongation, causing shoot to grow
  • how does auxins mode of action work?
    • cell elongation is proportional to auxin concentration
    • auxin bind to receptors on plant cell membrane - causes H+ to be actively transported into cell wall by proton pump located in plasma membrane
    • low pH is optimum for enzymes called expansions - wall loosening enzymes which hydrolyse bonds in cellulose, low pH disrupts H bonds in cellulose
    • cellulose fibres weakened but not destroyed, cell walls now less rigid, cells can elongate when water moves in by osmosis
  • what is the response of unidirectional light on a shoot?
    • dark side - less phototropins stimulated, less light absorbed
    • light side - more phototropins stimulated, more light absorbed
    • auxins redistributed over to shadier side, causing elongation of shadier side towards light
    • uneven growth of shoot
  • how does auxin coordinate plant responses to gravity?
    • root placed horizontally
    • bottom side contains more auxin and grows less, causing root to grow in direction of force of gravity - positive geotropism
    • opposite in stem
  • what is apical dominance?
    • when the apical shoots inhibit growth of lateral buds
    • in other words, main central stem of plant is dominant over and grows more strongly than other side of stems
  • what are coppicing and pollarding?
    • consequences of removing apical dominance
    • coppicing - want many new branches from stump
    • pollarding - don't want young stems eaten
    • apical buds need higher concentration of auxin to grow than roots and lateral buds
    • small stimulation, low concentration of auxin - root growth
    • higher stimulation - apical bud growth, inhibition of lateral bud