Cards (6)

  • Wall Street Crash
    Many people lost savings and there were wage cuts.
    • Reduction in consumer spending
    • Difficult for businesses
    • Supply of credit cut to help banks find it easier to cope
    • Lower production, fewer wage earners
  • Under consumption
    America's reduced spending on consumer goods such as cars, radios and houses.
    (Huge gap between rich and poor)
    • 71% of Americans on low wages - earning below $2500 per year
    Goods producers lost jobs - weakened their purchase power.
  • Failing Banks
    Strong economy relies on banks to protect people's savings and provide loans.
    • Limited reserves of money available
    • 1/3 of banks in federal reserve system
    Banks more likely to be affected by run - when customers of the bank withdraw their deposits at the same time over fears over the banks solvency.
    Before 1929: 5,172 or 20% of banks failed - customers saw the change in the stock market and quickly took out savings.
    Banks lost $286 million.
    Banking system collapsed.
  • Over production
    Challenges facing older industries (coal, textiles, railroads)
    Late 1920s: Car + consumption industries also in decline.
    • Car sales had fallen by a third in 1929
    • Amount spent on construction dropped by $2 billion since 1926
    Still producing goods to sell, fewer people buying them (prices fall)
  • Farmers
    Overproduction and failing demand caused big problems for the agriculture industry (dramatic change for already suffering rural areas)
    • 1930-1931: Severe droughts.
    Already bad soil because of erosion by excessive use
    • 1932: Conditions worsened by dust storms
    (Not a cause of the Great Depression, but did make the situation a lot worse)
  • Problems in Europe
    First World War in Europe = big!
    Many European countries were unable to pay back loans. (WW1 debts)
    Major European nations began to cut themselves off from America:
    • High tariffs placed on American goods
    • Germany trying to become self sufficient
    • Britain set up trading within its own empire