Hoover's actions

Cards (5)

  • Problem: Banks
    • Set up the National Credit Corporation (1931):
    $500 million was raised to help failing banks.
    • Established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)
    $2 billion was provided by the government to rescue banks and other key organisations.
    • The NCC's investors were afraid to lose money and spent very little of it
    • The RFC was criticised for spending government money to help banks rather than people.
  • Problem: Farms
    • Agricultural Marketing Act (1929)
    Set up the Federal Farm Board to buy up crops from farmers
    • Hawley-smooth Triff
    Raised important duties on foreign food by 40% to force Americans to buy their own goods
    • Federal Farm Loan Act (amended 1932)
    $125 million given to Federal Land Banks to provide farm mortgages.
    • The Farm board built up huge amounts of extra goods and could not stop the fall in prices
    • Higher tariffs led other nations to do the same, reducing international trade
    • The Federal Land Banks did not help farmers repay the mortgages.
  • Problem: Industries
    • National Business Survey Conference (1929)
    • 400 business executives - made promises about production, expansion and wages.
    • Moratorium on First World War debts (1931)
    USA: stop collecting debts for 18 months - give Europe time to recover
    • Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)
    Made money available for banks to loan to industries.
    • Promises made in 1929 by major employers were broken
    • The moratorium did not help enough to prevent the collapse of the international economy
    • Most of money loaned by RFC went to the largest banks/companies.
  • Problem: Unemployment
    Hoover's actions...
    • Encouraged donations for relief, replaced by POUR
    • Public works: government doubled its spending on federal government projects over 3 years, e.g. the Grand Coulee Dam project.
    • Reconstruction Finance Corporation - 1932; federal government loan $300 million to states for relief
    • ECE and POUR could not raise enough to help all unemployed
    • spending on public works was low - $210 million in 1930, states spent around $2 billion
    • States had to meet tough requirements in order to borrow money, only $30 million had be loaned by 1932 end.
  • POUR stands for President's Organisation for Unemployment Relief