
Cards (36)

  • How is ambition presented in Macbeth?
    As a dangerous and unnatural desire
  • What ideology was prevalent during the Renaissance regarding kingship?
    Divine right of kings
  • Who developed the theory of divine right of kings?
    James VI of Scotland
  • When was Macbeth first performed?
  • What event occurred shortly before Macbeth was performed?
    The Gunpowder Plot
  • How does Macbeth serve as a cautionary tale?
    It warns against overreaching ambition
  • What does Emma Smith argue about Shakespeare's portrayal of kingship?
    Shakespeare supports hereditary monarchy
  • What does Macbeth's ambition lead to in the play?
    His inevitable downfall
  • What does the term "terrible ambitious agency" refer to?
    Macbeth's destructive ambition
  • What does Macbeth realize about kingship in Act 1, Scene 3?
    It is not within his natural right
  • What does the word "swelling" imply in Macbeth's speech?
    Inflation of pride or anger
  • What does Macbeth mean by "supernatural soliciting"?
    Influence of the witches' prophecies
  • How does Macbeth's ambition conflict with nature?
    It goes against divine law
  • What does the phrase "against the use of nature" suggest?
    Macbeth's ambition is unnatural
  • What does Macbeth's heart knocking at his ribs symbolize?
    His internal conflict and fear
  • What does Macbeth mean by "if chance will have me king"?
    He believes fate may crown him
  • What is dramatic irony in Macbeth's belief about kingship?
    He will actively pursue the crown
  • How does Lady Macbeth view Macbeth's ambition?
    She believes he lacks ruthlessness
  • What does Lady Macbeth mean by "milk of human kindness"?
    Macbeth is too compassionate
  • What does the syntax in Lady Macbeth's speech reveal?
    Her logical progression of thought
  • What does Lady Macbeth mean by "thou wouldst be great"?
    Macbeth desires greatness
  • What does the repetition of "do" in Lady Macbeth's speech imply?
    Macbeth's indecisiveness
  • How does Lady Macbeth plan to influence Macbeth?
    By pouring her spirits in his ear
  • What does Macbeth's use of "done" signify?
    His desire for resolution
  • How does Shakespeare depict Macbeth's reluctance?
    Through passive voice in his speech
  • What does Macbeth's reflection on judgment and guilt reveal?
    His awareness of moral consequences
  • What does Macbeth mean by "vaulting ambition"?
    Ambition that overreaches itself
  • How does ambition affect Macbeth after he becomes king?
    It brings him no joy or peace
  • What does Macbeth fear about Banquo's descendants?
    They threaten his own legacy
  • What does the imagery of "fruitless crown" symbolize?
    Macbeth's lack of heirs
  • How does Lady Macbeth's influence compare to Cleopatra's over Mark Antony?
    Both exert significant sway over their husbands
  • What does the term "unlineal hand" refer to?
    Macbeth's illegitimate claim to the throne
  • What does the imagery of "barren scepter" imply?
    Macbeth's inability to produce heirs
  • How does the play depict the theme of rightful succession?
    It emphasizes the importance of lineage
  • What does the apparition of eight kings symbolize?
    Macbeth's fear of losing power
  • How does the play conclude regarding ambition?
    It leads to chaos and downfall