It is criminogenic as it is based upon the unequaldivide between classes, committing crime is inevitable
what is criminogenic capitalism?
Marxist idea that crime is inevitable because of the nature of capitalist society
what is white collar crime?
crime committed by a person of respectability and a high social socialstatus in the course of their occupation. Overlaps with corporate crime
How do the bourgeoisie ignore white collar crime?
use their power through the repressive state apparatus of the justice system to criminalise the negative actions of the working class and labelling them as deviant
eg crimes against employees or consumers, environmental crime, financial crimes
How does Marxism explain white collar crime?
Differential association - Where deviant practices are associated with the institution
De labelling or nonlabelling of whitecollar criminals
what did Snider say?
capitalist states are reluctant to pass laws which regulate large capitalistconcerns and threaten profitability.
Corporate Homicide Act
2007 - only 25companions have been prosecuted since, despite large numbers of deaths at work
What does Pearce say?
laws appear to be for the workingclass (eg health and safety) but Pearce believes these laws benefit the bourgeoisie’s by keeping employeesfit to work. Continues ideological control for proletariat and a falseclassconsciousness
Alton Towers
Smiler ride malfunction - 2 people lost a leg had 2 million compensation
Fined £5 million
Profits increased by 3.6% in 2016
Engineers never read or seenoperation booklet
Merlin Attractions - pled guilty to breaking health and safety laws
VW Diesel Dupe
placed an illegal defeatdevice software so emissions looked much lower. were 40x over limit
$30 billion in fines, $2.8 billion in penalties
looking at 13 million docs to seek blame. (red tape)
no one was imprisoned
‘mistake’ ‘crisis’
Zebrugge Disaster
P and O ship capsized
193 died, March1987
Negligence by assistant boatswain who fell asleep, bow doors were not closed.
P&O charged with corporate manslaughter
Morning sickness drug
Not fully checked by FDSA
caused limbdeformation in 10000 babies during 50s and 60s
What does Chambliss say?
the laws protect privateproperty,tax laws (loopholes) suit the bourgeoisie, the ruling class prevent laws that threaten their interests
what is critical criminology?
proposed by Taylor, Walton and Young. A fully social and holistic theory of deviance
what are the six factors to consider for critical criminology?
Wider origins of deviant act
immediateorigins of deviant act
actual deviant act
immediate origins of societal reaction
wider origins of social reaction
impact on future behaviour
what is selective law enforcement?
bourgeoisie control the proletariat through law enforcement, use their power to focus police and CJS onto workingclass crime, create perception it is worse than corporate crime. Pass laws that punishblue collar crimes that deviate from social norms and values
what did Stuart Hall say?
Policing the Crisis
in the 70’s there was a crisis of hegemony where men started to challengedominantnorms and values of the ruling class through industrial action, led to unemployment and them crime as an alternative means. The bourgeoisie used the black mugger as a scapegoat to divide the w/c and deflect attention from capitalist power