Cards (11)

  • What is hegemonic masculinity?
    The ideal form of masculinity : work in paid labour market, heterosexism, subordination of women, driven and uncontrollable sexuality. All other forms are subordinated masculinities
  • What does Messerschmidt argue?
    Argues there is a normative masculinity, highly valued by most men. This is hegemonic masculinity which is the dominant in society
  • why do some people have subordinated masculinities?
    gay men have no desire to accomplish hegemonic masculinity, as well as lower class and some ethnic minority men who lack the resources to do so
  • how does Messerschmidt see crime and deviance?
    resources different men may use for accomplishing masculinity
  • how do white middle class youths achieve masculinity?
    subordinated themselves to teachers, leading to an accommodating masculinity in school. Outside school, their masculinity takes an oppositional form and comes through drinking, pranks and vandalism etc
  • how do white working class youths achieve masculinity?
    less chance of educational success so it is oppositional both in and out of school. Constructed around sexist attitudes, being tough and opposing teachers authority. Eg Willis’ lads
  • how do black lower working class youths achieve masculinity?
    few expectations of a reasonable job so use gang membership and violence to express masculinity or turn to serious property crime to achieve material success
  • how do middle class men’s use of crime differ from working class?
    middle class commit white collar and corporate crime to accomplish hegemonic masculinity, working class may use street robbery to achieve a subordinated masculinity
  • what are some social reasons for male crime?
    neighbourhoods deprivation. Postmodern society has seen a deindustrialisation so a loss of male manual jobs, turn to crime as a response
    Fatherless families - lack of a role model, grow up in care or homeless so turn to addiction and drugs
  • What does Cohen say?
    Status frustration causes white male working class crime. they have blocked opportunities
  • what do Cloward and Ohlin say?
    working class men are denied legitimate opportunities to money success, either turn to a criminal, conflict or retreatist subculture