Cards (16)

  • What are the causes of crime according to right realism?
    biological masculinity
    Poor socialisation
    Rational choice theory
  • what is biological masculinity?
    Wilson and Herrnstein - crime is caused by a combination of biological and social factors, these differences make people more aggressive or impulsive. Herrnstein also argued that intelligence is a main cause, which they see as biologically determined
  • what is poor socialisation?
    effective socialisation decreases risk of committing a crime, enforces self control and internalises moral values through the nuclear family.
  • what does Murrary say about poor socialisation and crime?
    crime rate is increasing because of a growing underclass who fail to socialise their children properly, growing as a result of welfare dependency
  • what does Sewell say about socialisation and crime?
    Black boys in fatherless families, lack of socialisation so have perverse loyalty to street gangs
  • what is rational choice theory?
    assumes individuals have free will and the power of reason, the decision to commit a crime is a choice based on the rational calculation of the likely consequences. If perceived rewards outweigh costs then they are more likely to offend
  • what are the strategies to tackle crime?
    target hardening
    zero tolerance policing
    deterrence based punishment
  • what is target hardening?
    the reduction of physical opportunities for offending
  • what is zero tolerance policing?
    strict enforcement of laws for low level crime so severe penalties and punishments are in place in order to deter more serious crimes
  • what is broken windows theory?
    Theory that maintaining urban environments in a well-ordered condition may prevent further vandalism and more serious crime as social disorder encourages more crime
  • what is deterrence based punishment?
    Harsh punishment so people don’t commit crimes as they are scared of being caught and punished in that way
  • Evaluation of Target Hardening
    Chaiken - When the NYC subways were cleaned the crimes went elsewhere, street crimes increased
  • what are the five elements of displacement?
    eval of target hardening and broken windows theory
  • What do right realists favour?
    a get tough stance on crime, an increase in prison. Pulling back the welfare state, strong commitment to law and order
  • weakness of zero tolerance?
    may be a myth
    Jock Young argued the crime rate in NYC had already been falling for 9 years before zero tolerance and was also falling in other US states where there was no zero tolerance policies
  • El Salvador Prisons
    Very dangerous Gang violence, new president made a ‘mega prison’ in 2022 used deterrence based incarceration with solitary confinement. Zero Tolerance as gang members are immediately incarcerated, others wont risk it.
    Has made country safer