R & IS

Cards (8)

  • What is Reciprocity?

    Caregiver-infant interaction is a two way / mutual process (mutual responsiveness). To sustain interaction, they each communicate snaps with elicit responses in the other e.g. Mother SMILES and her Baby SMILES back.
  • What is Interactional Synchrony?
    Cargiver-infant interactions are 'synchronised' so that their responses reflect each other. They respond in time to sustain communication. This can mean mirroring the action (e.g. infant moves their head in time with their mother), imitation or responding in a coordinated way (e.g. toddler talks and caregiver listens).
  • How can you tell if a child has formed an Attachment?
    Maccoby (1980): 4 key Attachment Behaviours.
  • What is in Maccoby's list?
    1. Seeking Proximity
    2. Disstress on Seperation
    3. Pleasure when Reunited
    4. general Orientation of Behaviour Towards PAF
  • What is Seeking Proximity?
    The infant will try to stay close to the attachment figure (caregiver).
  • What is Distress on Separation?
    Both caregiver and infant will experience and demonstrate signs of distress when separated.
  • What is Pleasure when Reunited?

    There will be obvious signs of pleasure from the child and caregiver upon being reunited.
  • What is General Orientation of Behaviour Towards PAF?
    The infant and caregiver will direct attention to each other and try to engage each other in activities and interaction. For example, they engage in mutual gazing.