Traumatic excision (surgical or accidental) Physical, chemical & microbial agents Ischaemia which leads to infarctionHypersensitivity reactions
What is the mechanism of healing?
The healing process has two aspects:
Contraction - mechanicalreduction in the size of the defect
Replacement of losttissue Migration of cells to provide extra tissue to fill the gap.
This can be accomplished in three ways:-◦ Repair ◦ Regeneration ◦ Reconstitution
What is repair?
The replacement of lost tissue by granulation tissue which matures to form scar tissue. Occurs in specialisedcells which cannot proliferate e.g. muscle
What is regeneration?
Replacement of lost tissue by tissue similar in type• by proliferation of surrounding undamagedspecialised cells• predominant where cells are capable of multiplication e.g. epithelium
What is reconstitution?
Co-ordinatedregeneration of several types of lost tissue, reformation of whole organs or limbs e.g. liver reformation
What is wound contraction?
After 2-3 days rapidcontraction of wound, completed by day 14 Due to remodeling of tissue
Wound size reduced by up to 80% Contraction results in much fasterhealing as less new tissue has to be formed If contraction is prevented, healing is slow and a large ugly scar results
What is the definition of Organisation?
Definition: The replacement of necrotic tissue, fibrin and blood clot by livinggranulation tissue.
What phases occur in the growth of granulation tissue?
1) bloodclotforms
2) acuteinflammation follows
3) demolition
Granulation tissue is formed by....
the proliferation and migration of surrounding connectivetissue elements
What is the tensile strength of a wound?
Initially low, fibrin holds cut edges together The wound increases in strength as collagen is formed
How are skin wounds healed?
By Primary or SecondaryIntention
(The difference is quantitative. The difference lies in the type of wound not the type of healing)
What are the two main aspects of the mechanism of healing?
Poorbloodsupply, presence of infection/foreign body, movement, increased age, nutrition, protein deficiency, lack of vitamin C, Glucocorticosteroids, colder temperature