Cards (10)

  • Working Memory Model - Central Executive
    • controls attention and coordinates the sub-systems
    • monitors the overall memory systems
    • allocates the cognitive memory tasks to the appropriate subsystems such as the phonological loop
  • Working Memory Model - Phonological Loop
    Processes auditory information, is made up of two parts:
    • phonological store - auditory information enters memory here but can only be stored for around 2 seconds if not passed through the articulatory loop
    • articulatory loop - auditory information is rehearsed here silently (sub vocally) in order to be remembered
  • Working Memory Model - Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
    Processes visual information, such as images or light and spatial information such as direction
  • Main Assumptions Of The WWM
    • short term memory is more dynamic and complex than suggested by the msm
    • visual and auditory info is processed in separate areas of memory
    • both the phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketchpad have a very limited capacity
  • Strengths of the WMM - Paulesu et al (1993)
    Supporting the phonological store and articulatory loop:
    Did PET scans that showed the Broca's area (speech area) active during sub vocal rehearsal and supramarginnal gyrus (language processing) active when phonological store is being used
  • Strengths of the WMM - Baddeley and Hitch (1976)
    Supporting the idea of different sub systems:
    • ppts undertook 2 visual tasks at once = poor performance -> because 2 visual tasks were competing for the limited resource of the visuo-spatial sketchpad
    • ppts undertook tasks separately = good performance
    • ppts undertook visual & verbal task at the same time = same as doing tasks individually -> because it was using two different subsystems
  • Weaknesses of WMM - Darling et al (1993)
    Against the idea that the visuo-spatial sketchpad is one unit:
    • 30 black and white squares, one with a 'P' in it
    • ppts asked to recall appearance or position of the P
    • they were given either visual or spatial interference
    • visual interference did not affect spatial recall and vice versa
    • provides evidence for separate visual and spatial stores
  • Weakness of WMM - Lieberman (1980)
    Against the idea that the visuo-spatial sketchpad is one unit:
    • VSSP implies that spatial information was first visual information
    • blind people have good spatial awareness but no visual information
    • suggests the VSSP should be two stores
  • Weakness of WMM - Eslinger and Damasio (1986)
    Weakness of central executive
    • after someone had a brain tumour removed, reasoning tests showed they had an intact CE, yet they had poor decision making skills
    • suggests the central executive could be multiple parts
  • Who proposed the WMM theory
    Baddeley and Hitch (1974)