Cards (41)

  • Some Elizabethan pastimes, including tennis, fencing, football and the theatre, are still popular today.
  • What role did hunting play in court life during Elizabeth's reign?
    It was entertainment and a food source
  • Why was hunting considered important for the court?
    It provided food and entertainment for the court
  • What skill did Elizabeth possess related to hunting?
    She was skilled at hawking
  • Who could afford to train falcons during Elizabeth's time?
    Only the rich could afford to train falcons
  • What sports did Elizabeth's courtiers practice from a young age?
    Fencing, tennis, and bowls
  • Why were tennis and bowls only played by the rich?
    They required expensive equipment to play
  • How many days a week did most ordinary people work?
    Six days a week
  • What were the festival days that allowed ordinary people leisure time?
    Midsummer's day and Ascension day
  • What activities did people enjoy on festival days?
    Sports, feasting, and other pastimes
  • What was a popular sport played between villages?
  • How were football games characterized during Elizabeth's time?
    They often descended into long and violent fights
  • What type of blood sports were popular during this period?
    Cockfighting and bull or bear-baiting
  • What was the nature of blood sports like cockfighting?
    They were very popular among the people
  • What became very popular later in Elizabeth's reign?
  • What was the state of theatres in England at the start of Elizabeth's reign?
    There were no permanent theatres
  • Where did actors perform before permanent theatres were built?
    In village squares or inn courtyards
  • When were the first theatres built in London?
    In the 1570s
  • What were the characteristics of the first theatres built in London?
    Round, open-air buildings with a raised stage
  • Name two of the first theatres built in London.
    The Theatre and The Curtain
  • Who were the poorer audience members at the theatre called?
  • How did the seating arrangement differ between rich and poor audience members?
    Poor stood at the stage, rich sat under cover
  • What was Elizabeth's attitude towards plays?
    She enjoyed them and supported performances
  • What was the name of the acting company set up by Elizabeth?
    The Queen's Men
  • Who supported theatre companies besides Elizabeth?
    Members of the elite, including Privy Councillors
  • Why did the London authorities and Puritans oppose the theatre?
    They saw it as a source of crime and immorality
  • Where were many theatres built as a result of opposition?
    Just outside the City of London in Southwark
  • What was a significant cultural output during the Elizabethan era?
    Lots of plays were written
  • Name three famous Elizabethan playwrights.
    William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson
  • How did Elizabethans' attitudes towards witches change?
    They became more hostile towards witches
  • What did Elizabeth ban that affected beliefs about witches?
    She banned Catholic rituals like charms and exorcisms
  • How did the ban on Catholic rituals affect Elizabethans' feelings?
    It made them feel more vulnerable
  • What did people believe about witches' actions?
    They acted on the Devil's orders
  • What significant law did Elizabeth pass in 1562 regarding witchcraft?
    She passed the Witchcraft Act
  • What were the consequences for witches found guilty of causing death?
    They would be hanged
  • What was the punishment for less serious offences like providing herbal remedies?
    They carried a prison sentence of one year
  • Who were typically accused of witchcraft?
    Usually older women who didn't fit into society
  • What types of women were often accused of witchcraft?
    Mothers with illegitimate children and spinsters
  • When did formal accusations against witches peak?
    At the end of the 16th century
  • How many people were accused of being witches between 1570 and 1609?
    263 people were accused