‘It is a truthuniversallyacknowledgedthat a singleman in possession of a goodfortunemustbe in want of a wife’
’You want to sayit and I havenoobjectiontohearit.’ - Mr Bennet
’She istolerable but notenough to temptme.’ - Mr Darcy
’Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.’
’A lady’s imagination is veryrapid; it jumpsfromadmiration to love,fromlove to matrimony, in a moment’
’No stile, notaste,nobeauty’
’Darcy had never been so bewitched by anywoman as he was by her. He reallybelieved,that if it were it not for the inferiority of her connections, he should be in somedanger.’
‘He mightalmosthavesupposedhimself in the smallsummerbreakfastparlour at Rosings; a comparisonthatdidnotatfirstconveymuchgratification.’
‘A ball was at any rate, a ball’
’My reasons for marriage are…’
’There are fewpeoplewhom I reallylove, and stillfewerofwhom I think well. The more I see of the world, themoreIamdissatisfiedwith it; and everydayconfirmsmybeliefoftheinconsistency of allhumancharacters.’
’She tried to remembersomething of that gentle man’sreputeddisposition’
’Everybody was pleased to thinkhowmuchthey had alwaysdislikedMr. Darcy before they had knownanything of the matter.’
’What are men to rocks and mountains‘
‘He welcomed them a secondtime with ostentatiousformality to his humbleabode, and punctuallyrepeated all his wife’soffers of refreshments’
‘Elizabethsuspected herself to be the firstcreature who hadeverdared to trifle with so muchdignifiedimpertinence.’
‘In vainhave I struggled. It will not do.Myfeelings will not berepressed. You mustallow me to tell you howardently I admire and loveyou.’
’She grewabsolutelyashamed of herself... she had beenblind,partial,prejudiced,absurd.’
‘She has no money, no connections, nothing that can tempt him to - she is lost forever.’
’And when you go away, you may leave one or two of mysistersbehind you; and I daresay I shall gethusbands for thembefore this winter is over.’
’I know disposition, Lizzie. I know that you could be neither happy nor respectable, unless you truly esteemed your husband.’
‘Daughters are never so much consequence to a father.’