
Cards (6)

  • Functionalism
  • Durkheim
    Social solidarity + order - through shared values
    Society exists above its members - social facts = things we can't control, just the way it is
  • Parsons - organic analogy
    Everything in society works together to function and is essential
  • Parsons - value consensus

    Shared norms and values within society
    Value consensus achieved through socialisation (primary = family, secondary = school) and social control (positive sanctions = reward conformity, negative sanctions = punish deviance)
  • Parsons - AGIl needs
    Adaptation - adapt for material needs
    Goal attainment - individuals reaching goals
    Integration - working together for shared goals
    Latency - stress relief, tension management
  • Merton - internal critique
    Indispensability: not every part of society is essential e.g. 'functional alternatives' : lone parents rather than nuclear family
    Functional unity: not everything works together e.g. 'functional autonomy' - parts of complex societies are unrelated
    Universal functionalism - not everything in society works for everyone e.g. dysfunction