What 3 things were released into atmosphere after earth formed?
Water vapor, carbon dioxide and nitrogen
How are oceans formed?
Water various cooled and condense
Earth atmosphere then contained
Mainly carbon dioxide
No oxygen
Water vapor
Small amounts of gases such as ammonia and methane
Lots of volcanic eruptions years ago predicts atmosphere then had high percent of carbon dioxide and water vapor(released by volcano)
Scientis study compound in ancient rocks show we had no oxygen in earlier atmosphere
Why did animal life evolve 2.7 billion years ago?
Primitive plants produced oxygen due to photosynthesis which increased oxygen levels
Water + carbon dioxide
Oxygen + glucose
Oxygen test
Place glowing splint in test tube of gas
Oxygen present so split relights
What decreases as number of plants/algae increase as photosynthesis increase
Carbon dioxide
How do fossil fuels reduce co2?
They are made from dead plants/algae and trap carbon
How does sedimentary rocks(e.g, limestone) reduce carbon
Co2 dissolves in ocean forms carbonate which some join toghether and precipitated from water as sedimentary rocks
Greenhouse effect
Radiation from sun passes atmosphere too Earth's surface
Warms the earth and radiates heat
Greenhouse gases(co2, water vapour and methane) absorb heat radiated from earth stops it travellings into space
Thus releases energy which keeps sun warm
What human activities increase levels of greenhouse gases into atmosphere ? (Increase surface temp leads to global atmosphere)
Deforestation and burning fossil fuels, agriculture and rice farming
Increased temps has big impact
Loss of habitat
Rising sea levels due to polar caps melting
Increase in extreme weather conditions
Cause droughts in some areas
Has effects on food supplies, health and economy
Since 1900s fossil fuels burned have increased rapidly increasing concentration of carbon dioxide so global temperature increases so their is a clear correlation
Measurements of carbon dioxide and tempature vary depending on where there reordered
Modern technology makes measurement accurate but historical records are less accurate so you can't compare data as it can be misleading
Scientists studied air trapped in ice cores to get more reliable data on past and gives new evidence about tempature of atmosphere so most scientists agree human activity increases earth temp