reductionism vs holism

    Cards (16)

    • what is reductionism?

      human behaviours explained by breaking it down into simpler component parts
    • what is biological reductionism?
      reduces behaviour to a physical level & explains it in terms of neurones, hormones etc
    • what is environmental reductionism?
      all behaviour can be reduced to simple building blocks or stimulus response associations & complex behaviours are a series of stimulus responsw chains
    • what is holism?

      behaviour should be viewed as a whole integrated experience & not separate parts
    • what is machine reductionism?
      reduces complex thought processes down to simple mechanical, computer like, processes
    • which approach takes the biological reductionist view?

    • which approach takes the environmental reductionist view?
    • which approaches take the multi-level reductionist view?
      social learning theory & psychodynamic
    • which approach takes the machine reductionist view?
    • which approaches take the holistic view?
    • why is the biological approach biological reductionist?
      behaviours reduced to simple biological structures like genes and neurotransmitters
    • why is the behaviourist approach environmental reductionist?
      behaviours reduced to simple stimulus-response associations and consequences
    • why is the social learning theory multi level reductionist?
      considers the role of environmental factors (role models) and cognitive factors (mediations processes)
    • why is the cognitive approach machine reductionist?
      the minds broken down to a simple info processing system with input, processing, output
    • why is the psychodynamic approach multi level reductionist?
      behaviours reduced to innate biological drives, whilst taking into account of other factors like childhood relationships and developmental milestones
    • why is the humanist approach holistic?
      focuses on understanding all aspects of human experience and interaction