idiographic vs nomothetic

    Cards (11)

    • what is nomothetic?

      classifies people into groups based on general laws
    • what is idiographic?

      focuses on individual differences and experiences
    • which approaches are nomothetic?
      biological, behaviourist, social learning theory
    • which approach is idiographic?
    • which approaches are a mix of idiographic and nomothetic?
      cognitive & psychodynamic
    • why is the biological approach nomothetic?
      suggests humans store similar physiology and we can make universal laws. lab experiments generate qualitative data, making generalisations
    • why is the behaviourist approach nomothetic?
      creates generalisations of behaviour (stimulus response) and uses lab experiments to generate quantitative data, making generalisations
    • why is the social learning theory nomothetic?
      establishes general laws of behaviour eg though imitation and uses lab experiments to generate quantitative data to make generalisations
    • why is the cognitive approach nomothetic and idiographic?
      establishes general laws of cognitive processing but case studies are sometimes used
    • why is the psychodynamic approach nomothetic and idiographic?
      creates general laws about innate drives but also takes into account unquote experiences of early childhood
    • why is the humanist approach idiographic?

      only approach to focus on subjective human experiences and makes no attempt to generalise