Cards (4)

  • Point:  A strength of the evolutionary explanation is that it can account for gender difference in aggression 
    Evidence: For example, Campbell (1999) suggests that females with offspring are motivated to be less aggressive as it would put her and her child’s life at risk.
    Explain: This means that a more adaptive strategy for females is to use verbal aggression as a means of retaining a partner.
    Link: Therefore, the ability to explain the reason why females display different aggressive behaviour to males adds validity to the evolutionary explanation
  • A :( of the evolutionary approach is that it can't address cultural differences in aggression. e.g, Thomas (1958) learned the !Kung San people of the Kalahari have a very -ve attitude towards violence & aggressive behaviour is discouraged from childhood.
    Further research has shown the Yanomamo of Venezuela and Brazil are described as ‘the fierce people’, where aggression is an accepted & required behaviour to settle disputes & gain status. 
    Therefore, challenges the validity of the evolutionary explanation, as it assumes behaviour is universal which would result in no cultural differences.
  • However, a limitation of Thomas’ research is that it could be biased.
    For example, Lee (1979) questioned the label of ‘peaceful people’ of the !Kung San as their homicide figures seemed surprisingly high.
    The original interpretations of behaviour may in part be biased to the expectations the researchers had as well as the specific sample of people they observed.
    Therefore, these methodological issues challenge observations made by ‘outsiders’ and may lack validity.
  • A :) of this explanation is that there are useful real world application, when it comes to devising effective anti-bullying interventions. e.g., Ellis (2016) has =>ed to encourage bullies to compete aggressively but fairly in sporting activities.
    This works because it increases the costs of bullying & the rewards of prosocial alternatives, as it allows bullies the opportunity to display prowess, strength & other attractive qualities.
    Therefore, compared to other strategies, assuming an evolutionary approach allows us to address the root of the issue which can be used to improve behaviour.